JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 2. How to install and run it

If you want to build the project and execute a quick demo, please, proceed as indicated:

  1. Prerequisites:

    This guide assumes you have Java JDK 1.6 (set as JAVA_HOME), a GIT client and Maven 3.0.5+ (set as MAVEN_HOME) in your system. The java and mvn commands must be added to the executable path as well.

  2. Download the project from the GitHub server:

    git clone https://github.com/droolsjbpm/dashboard-builder.git
  3. Open a terminal window, go to the scripts directory and type the following command:

    ./buildandrun.sh h2

    This command compiles, builds and runs the application. This procedure will take a few minutes (but only for the first time) because of the maven build process needs to download a lot of third-party libraries.

  4. Once the application is started, open a browser and type the following URL:


    The login screen will appear. Login as user root and password root. You'll gain access to the default workspace, called Showcase, which contains several sample dashboards as well as some administrative tools.

    The following users are available by default:

    You'll need to sing-in as superuser in order to be able to create and modify dashboards.