Community Documentation
Part IV. Drools Integration
Integration Documentation
Table of Contents
9. Drools Commands
9.1. API
9.1.1. XStream
9.1.2. JSON
9.1.3. JAXB
9.2. Commands supported
9.2.1. BatchExecutionCommand
9.2.2. InsertObjectCommand
9.2.3. RetractCommand
9.2.4. ModifyCommand
9.2.5. GetObjectCommand
9.2.6. InsertElementsCommand
9.2.7. FireAllRulesCommand
9.2.8. StartProcessCommand
9.2.9. SignalEventCommand
9.2.10. CompleteWorkItemCommand
9.2.11. AbortWorkItemCommand
9.2.12. QueryCommand
9.2.13. SetGlobalCommand
9.2.14. GetGlobalCommand
9.2.15. GetObjectsCommand
10. CDI
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Annotations
10.2.1. @KReleaseId
10.2.2. @KContainer
10.2.3. @KBase
10.2.4. @KSession for KieSession
10.2.5. @KSession for StatelessKieSession
10.3. API Example Comparison
11. Integration with Spring
11.1. Important Changes for Drools 6.0
11.2. Integration with Drools Expert
11.2.1. KieModule
11.2.2. KieBase
11.2.4. KieSessions
11.2.5. Event Listeners
11.2.6. Loggers
11.2.7. Defining Batch Commands
11.2.8. Persistence
11.3. Integration with jBPM Human Task
11.3.1. How to configure Spring with jBPM Human task
12. Apache Camel Integration
12.1. Camel
13. Drools Camel Server
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Deployment
13.3. Configuration
13.3.1. REST/Camel Services configuration
14. JMX monitoring with RHQ/JON
14.1. Introduction
14.1.1. Enabling JMX monitoring in a Drools application
14.1.2. Installing and running the RHQ/JON plugin
Chapter 8. Complex Event Processing
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Chapter 9. Drools Commands