Interface KieBaseOptionsConfiguration

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface KieBaseOptionsConfiguration
    A base interface for type safe configurations
    • Method Detail

      • setOption

        <T extends KieBaseOption> void setOption​(T option)
        Sets an option
        Type Parameters:
        T - T
        option - the option to be set. As options are type safe, the option itself contains the option key, and so a single parameter is enough.
      • getOption

        <T extends SingleValueKieBaseOption> T getOption​(java.lang.Class<T> option)
        Gets an option value
        Type Parameters:
        T - T
        option - the option class for the option being requested
        the Option value for the given option. Returns null if option is not configured.
      • getOption

        <T extends MultiValueKieBaseOption> T getOption​(java.lang.Class<T> option,
                                                        java.lang.String key)
        Gets an option value for the given option + key. This method should be used for multi-value options, like accumulate functions configuration where one option has multiple values, distinguished by a sub-key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - T
        option - the option class for the option being requested
        key - the key for the option being requested
        the Option value for the given option + key. Returns null if option is not configured.