JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 4. Score calculation with a rule engine

4.1. Rule based score calculation
4.2. Choosing a Score implementation
4.2.1. The ScoreDefinition interface
4.2.2. SimpleScore
4.2.3. HardAndSoftScore
4.2.4. Implementing a custom Score
4.3. Defining the score rules source
4.3.1. A scoreDrl resource on the classpath
4.3.2. A RuleBase (possibly defined by Guvnor)
4.4. Implementing a score rule
4.5. Aggregating the score rules into the Score
4.6. Delta based score calculation
4.7. Tips and tricks

The score calculation (or fitness function) of a planning problem is based on constraints (such as hard constraints, soft constraints, rewards, ...). A rule engine, such as Drools Expert, makes it easy to implement those constraints as score rules.

Adding more constraints is easy and scalable (once you understand the DRL syntax). This allows you to add a bunch of soft constraint score rules on top of the hard constraints score rules with little effort and at a reasonable performance cost. For example, for a freight routing problem you could add a soft constraint to avoid the certain flagged highways during rush hour.

There are 2 ways to define where your score rules live.

The score calculation of a planning problem is based on constraints (such as hard constraints, soft constraints, rewards, ...). A rule engine, such as Drools, makes it easy to implement those constraints as score rules.

Here's an example of a constraint implemented as a score rule in such a DRL file:

rule "multipleQueensHorizontal"
        $q1 : Queen($id : id, $y : y);
        $q2 : Queen(id > $id, y == $y);
        insertLogical(new UnweightedConstraintOccurrence("multipleQueensHorizontal", $q1, $q2));

This score rule will fire once for every 2 queens with the same y. The (id > $id) condition is needed to assure that for 2 queens A and B, it can only fire for (A, B) and not for (B, A), (A, A) or (B, B). Let's take a closer look at this score rule on this solution of 4 queens:

In this solution the multipleQueensHorizontal score rule will fire for 6 queen couples: (A, B), (A, C), (A, D), (B, C), (B, D) and (C, D). Because none of the queens are on the same vertical or diagonal line, this solution will have a score of -6. An optimal solution of 4 queens has a score of 0.

A ScoreCalculator instance is asserted into the WorkingMemory as a global called scoreCalculator. Your score rules need to (direclty or indirectly) update that instance. Usually you 'll make a single rule as an aggregation of the other rules to update the score:

global SimpleScoreCalculator scoreCalculator;

rule "multipleQueensHorizontal"
        $q1 : Queen($id : id, $y : y);
        $q2 : Queen(id > $id, y == $y);
        insertLogical(new UnweightedConstraintOccurrence("multipleQueensHorizontal", $q1, $q2));

// multipleQueensVertical is obsolete because it is always 0

rule "multipleQueensAscendingDiagonal"
        $q1 : Queen($id : id, $ascendingD : ascendingD);
        $q2 : Queen(id > $id, ascendingD == $ascendingD);
        insertLogical(new UnweightedConstraintOccurrence("multipleQueensAscendingDiagonal", $q1, $q2));

rule "multipleQueensDescendingDiagonal"
        $q1 : Queen($id : id, $descendingD : descendingD);
        $q2 : Queen(id > $id, descendingD == $descendingD);
        insertLogical(new UnweightedConstraintOccurrence("multipleQueensDescendingDiagonal", $q1, $q2));

rule "hardConstraintsBroken"
        $occurrenceCount : Number() from accumulate(
            $unweightedConstraintOccurrence : UnweightedConstraintOccurrence(),
        scoreCalculator.setScore(- $occurrenceCount.intValue());

Most use cases will also weigh their constraints differently, by multiplying the count of each score rule with its weight. For example in freight routing, you can make 5 broken "avoid crossroads" soft constraints count as much as 1 broken "avoid highways at rush hour" soft constraint. This allows your business analysts to easily tweak the score function as they see fit.

Here's an example from CurriculumCourse, where assiging a Lecture to a Room which is missing 2 seats is weighted equally bad as having 1 isolated Lecture in a Curriculum:

// RoomCapacity: For each lecture, the number of students that attend the course must be less or equal
// than the number of seats of all the rooms that host its lectures.
// Each student above the capacity counts as 1 point of penalty.
rule "roomCapacity"
        insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence("roomCapacity", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT,
                ($studentSize - $capacity),

// CurriculumCompactness: Lectures belonging to a curriculum should be adjacent
// to each other (i.e., in consecutive periods).
// For a given curriculum we account for a violation every time there is one lecture not adjacent
// to any other lecture within the same day.
// Each isolated lecture in a curriculum counts as 2 points of penalty.
rule "curriculumCompactness"
        insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence("curriculumCompactness", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT,

// Accumulate soft constraints
rule "softConstraintsBroken"
        salience -1 // Do the other rules first (optional, for performance)
        $softTotal : Number() from accumulate(
            IntConstraintOccurrence(constraintType == ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT, $weight : weight),

It's recommended to use Drools in forward-chaining mode (which is the default behaviour), because this will create the effect of a delta based score calculation, instead of a full score calculation on each solution evaluation. For example, if a single queen A moves from y 0 to 3, it won't bother to recalculate the "multiple queens on the same horizontal line" constraint between 2 queens if neither of those involved queens is queen A.

This is a huge performance and scalibility gain. Drools Planner gives you this huge scalibility gain without forcing you to write a very complicated delta based score calculation algorithm. Just let the Drools rule engine do the hard work.

The speedup due to delta based score calculation is huge, because the speedup is relative to the size of your planning problem (your n). By using score rules, you get that speedup without writing any delta code.

In case you haven't figured it out yet: performance (and scalability) is very important for solving planning problems well. What good is a real-time freight routing solver that takes a day to find a feasible solution? Even small and innocent looking problems can hide an enormous problem size. For example, they probably still don't know the optimal solution of the traveling tournament problem for as little as 12 traveling teams.