Uses of Interface

Packages that use Activation
org.drools.event.rule Events emitted while Rules are executing. 
org.drools.runtime.rule The rule runtime classes. 

Uses of Activation in org.drools.event.rule

Methods in org.drools.event.rule that return Activation
 Activation ActivationEvent.getActivation()

Uses of Activation in org.drools.runtime.rule

Methods in org.drools.runtime.rule that return Activation
 Activation ConsequenceException.getActivation()
 Activation RuleContext.getActivation()
          Returns the current Activation for the current context

Methods in org.drools.runtime.rule with parameters of type Activation
 boolean AgendaFilter.accept(Activation activation)
          Determine if a given activation should be fired.
 void RuleContext.blockActivation(Activation match)
          This is an experimental feature that must be explicitly enabled via DeclarativeAgendaOption, which is off by default.
 void RuleContext.cancelActivation(Activation match)
          This is an experimental feature that must be explicitly enabled via DeclarativeAgendaOption, which is off by default.
 void ConsequenceExceptionHandler.handleException(Activation activation, WorkingMemory workingMemory, Exception exception)
 void RuleContext.unblockAllActivations(Activation match)
          This is an experimental feature that must be explicitly enabled via DeclarativeAgendaOption, which is off by default.

Constructors in org.drools.runtime.rule with parameters of type Activation
ConsequenceException(Throwable rootCause, WorkingMemory workingMemory, Activation activation)

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