KIE API 6.2.0.Beta1

Package org.kie.api.definition.type

Interface Summary
FactField A field from a declared fact type
FactType FactType declarations are fact definitions (like classes) that are managed alongside the rules.

Enum Summary

Annotation Types Summary
ClassReactive Annotation used to declare that a given class is not property specific
Description Annotation used to decorate a field or class with a description.
Key Annotation used to declare that a field is a key for the class it belongs to and then it will be used to calculate the equals/hashCode methods of the class itself.
Label Annotation used to decorate a field or class with a label.
Modifies Annotation used to declare that a given method (potenially) modifies the values of the named properties
Position Annotation used to declare the Position of a field, when using Positional field constraints.
PropertyReactive Annotation used to declare that a given class is property specific
Role Annotation used to declare if a given class is a plain fact or an event

KIE API 6.2.0.Beta1

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