JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
You can also consult the wiki for some tutorials and user tips (it IS a wiki, so you can even contribute your own tips and examples and even upload files if you desire !).
The above picture shows the main feature areas of Guvnor.
Info: This is the initial screen, with links to resources.
Rules: This is the category and business user perspective.
Package: This is where packages are configured and managed.
Deployment: this is where deployment snapshots are managed.
Admin: Administrative functions (categories, statuses, import and export)
Once deployed, go to http://localhost:8080/guvnor-webapp/ This will show the initial info screen or login screen depending on the configuration.
If it is a brand new repository, you will want to go to "Admin", and choose "Manage Categories"
(Add a few categories of your choosing, categories are only for classification, not for execution or anything else.)
Rules need a fact model (object model) to work off, so next you will want to go to the Package management feature. From here you can click on the icon to create a new package (give it a meaningful name, with no spaces).
To upload a model, use a JAR which has the fact model (API) that you will be using in your rules and your code (go and make one now if you need to !). When you are in the model editor screen, you can upload a JAR file, choose the package name from the list that you created in the previous step.
Now edit your package configuration (you just created) to import the fact types you just uploaded (add import statements), and save the changes.
At this point, the package is configured and ready to go (you generally won't have to go through that step very often).
(Note that you can also import an existing DRL package - it will store the rules in the repository as individual assets).