JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 10. Benchmarking and tweaking

10.1. Finding the best configuration
10.2. Building a Benchmarker
10.2.1. Adding the exta dependency
10.2.2. Building a basic Benchmarker
10.2.3. Warming up the hotspot compiler
10.3. Summary statistics
10.3.1. Best score summary
10.4. Statistics per data set (graph and CSV)
10.4.1. Best score over time statistic (graph and CSV)
10.4.2. Calculate count per second statistic (graph and CSV)
10.4.3. Memory use statistic (graph and CSV)

Drools Planner supports several solver types, but you're probably wondering which is the best one? Although some solver types generally perform better then others, it really depends on your problem domain. Most solver types also have settings which can be tweaked. Those settings can influence the results of a solver a lot, although most settings perform pretty good out-of-the-box.

Luckily, Drools Planner includes a benchmarker, which allows you to play out different solver types and different settings against each other, so you can pick the best configuration for your problem domain.

The Benchmarker is current in the drools-planner-core modules, but it requires an extra dependency on the JFreeChart library.

If you use maven, add a dependency in your pom.xml file:


This is similar for gradle, ivy and buildr.

If you use ANT, you've probably already copied the required jars from the download zip's binaries directory.

You can build a Benchmarker instance with theXmlSolverBenchmarker. Configure it with a benchmarker configuration xml file:

    XmlSolverBenchmarker benchmarker = new XmlSolverBenchmarker();


A basic benchmarker configuration file looks something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <name>Solution tabu</name>
    <name>Move tabu</name>
    <name>Property tabu</name>

This benchmarker will try 3 configurations (1 solution tabu, 1 move tabu and 1 property tabu) on 2 data sets (32 and 64 queens), so it will run 6 solvers.

Every solverBenchmark entity contains a solver configuration (for example a local search solver) and one or more unsolvedSolutionFile entities. It will run the solver configuration on each of those unsolved solution files. A name is optional and generated if absent.

The common part of multiple solverBenchmark entities can be extracted to the inheritedSolverBenchmark entity, but that can still be overwritten per solverBenchmark entity. Note that inherited solver phases such as <constructionHeuristic> or <localSearch> are not overwritten but instead are added to the head of the solver phases list.

You need to specify a benchmarkDirectory (relative to the working directory). The best solution of each solver run and a handy overview HTML webpage will be written in that directory.

The benchmarker supports outputting statistics as graphs and CSV (comma separated values) files to the benchmarkDirectory.

To configure graph and CSV output of a statistic, just add a solverStatisticType line:


Multiple solverStatisticType entries are allowed. Some statistic types might influence performance noticeably. The following types are are supported: