Interface Move

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeMove, GenericChangeMove, GenericSwapMove, GenericSwapPillarMove

public interface Move

A Move represents a change of 1 or more planning variables of 1 or more planning entities in the solution.

Usually the move holds a direct reference to each planning entity of the solution that it will change when doMove(WorkingMemory) is called. On that change it should also notify the WorkingMemory accordingly.

A Move should implement Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode().

Method Summary
 Move createUndoMove(org.drools.WorkingMemory workingMemory)
          Called before the move is done, so the move can be evaluated and then be undone without resulting into a permanent change in the solution.
 void doMove(org.drools.WorkingMemory workingMemory)
          Does the Move and updates the Solution and its WorkingMemory accordingly.
 boolean isMoveDoable(org.drools.WorkingMemory workingMemory)
          Called before a move is evaluated to decide whether the move can be done and evaluated.

Method Detail


boolean isMoveDoable(org.drools.WorkingMemory workingMemory)
Called before a move is evaluated to decide whether the move can be done and evaluated. A Move isn't doable if: Although you could filter out non-doable moves in for example the MoveFactory, this is not needed as the Solver will do it for you.

workingMemory - the WorkingMemory not yet modified by the move.
true if the move achieves a change in the solution and the move is possible to do on the solution.


Move createUndoMove(org.drools.WorkingMemory workingMemory)
Called before the move is done, so the move can be evaluated and then be undone without resulting into a permanent change in the solution.

workingMemory - the WorkingMemory not yet modified by the move.
an undoMove which does the exact opposite of this move.


void doMove(org.drools.WorkingMemory workingMemory)
Does the Move and updates the Solution and its WorkingMemory accordingly. When the solution is modified, the WorkingMemory's FactHandles should be correctly notified, otherwise the score(s) calculated will be corrupted.

workingMemory - never null, the WorkingMemory that needs to get notified of the changes.

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