Interface ScoreCalculator

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractScoreCalculator, HardAndSoftLongScoreCalculator, HardAndSoftScoreCalculator, SimpleDoubleScoreCalculator, SimpleScoreCalculator

public interface ScoreCalculator
extends Cloneable

A wrapper for the elements of a Score, injected as a global in the WorkingMemory to avoid a performance problem in Drools Expert with using 2 or more accumulates in the same rule.

TODO remove when the rule that sums the final score can be written as a single rule and ScoreCalculator is dead

Method Summary
 Score calculateScore()
          Calculates the score: the solution (encountered at a step) with the highest score will be seen as the the best solution.
 ScoreCalculator clone()

Method Detail


Score calculateScore()
Calculates the score: the solution (encountered at a step) with the highest score will be seen as the the best solution.

The step score calculation should be kept stable over all steps.

When the solution is modified during a Move, the WorkingMemory's FactHandles should have been correctly notified. Before the score is calculated, all rules are fired, which should trigger an update of this instance.

never null, the score of the solution


ScoreCalculator clone()

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