Interface ProblemFactChange

public interface ProblemFactChange

A ProblemFactChange represents a change in 1 or more problem facts of a Solution. Problem facts used by a Solver must not be changed while it is solving, but by scheduling this command to the Solver, you can change them when the time is right.

Note that the Solver clones a Solution at will. So any change must be done on the problem facts and planning entities referenced by the Solution on the SolutionDirector. On each change it should also notify the WorkingMemory accordingly.

Method Summary
 void doChange(SolutionDirector solutionDirector)
          Does the change and updates the Solution and its WorkingMemory accordingly.

Method Detail


void doChange(SolutionDirector solutionDirector)
Does the change and updates the Solution and its WorkingMemory accordingly. When the solution is modified, the WorkingMemory's FactHandles must be correctly notified, otherwise the score(s) calculated will be corrupted.

solutionDirector - never null. Contains the working Solution which contains the planning facts (and planning entities) to change. Also contains the WorkingMemory that needs to get notified of those changes.

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