Package org.drools.builder

The builder package is responsible for building knowledge definitions from artifact resources.


Interface Summary
DecisionTableConfiguration ResourceConfiguration for decision tables.
KnowledgeBuilder The KnowledgeBuilder is responsible for taking source files, such as a .drl file, a .bpmn2 file or an .xls file, and turning them into a KnowledgePackage of rule and process definitions which a KnowledgeBase can consume.
KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration This class configures the knowledge package builder and compiler.
KnowledgeBuilderError A reported error during the build process.
KnowledgeBuilderErrors A typed collection of errors.
KnowledgeBuilderFactoryService KnowledgeBuilderFactoryService is used by the KnowledgeBuilderFactory to "provide" it's concrete implementation.
KnowledgeBuilderResult A super interface for Knowledge Building result messages.
KnowledgeBuilderResults A typed collection for knowledge builder results.
ProcessBuilder This is a mixin style interface who's role is to provide process specific methods to the KnowledgeBuilder, currently there are none.
ResourceConfiguration This interface is a marker interface and should be implemented by any class that will provide configurations to the KnowledgeBuilder - currently this is only used by decision tables.
RuleBuilder This is a mixin style interface who's role is to provide rule specific methods to the KnowledgeBuilder, currently there are none.

Class Summary
KnowledgeBuilderFactory This factory is used to build the knowledge base resources that are held collectively in KnowledgePackages.

Enum Summary
DecisionTableInputType Specifies the type of decision table resource.
ResultSeverity An enum of the available problem types

Package org.drools.builder Description

The builder package is responsible for building knowledge definitions from artifact resources.

See the KnowledgeBuilder for more detailed information on how to build KnowledgeBases.

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