KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

Interface KieServices

public interface KieServices

The KieServices is a thread-safe singleton acting as a hub giving access to the other Services provided by Kie. As general rule a getX() method just returns a reference to another singleton while a newX() one creates a new instance.

It is possible to obtain a KieServices reference via its Factory as it follows

 KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();

Nested Class Summary
static class KieServices.Factory
          A Factory for this KieServices
Method Summary
 KieCommands getCommands()
          Returns the KieCommands, a factory for Commands
 KieContainer getKieClasspathContainer()
          Returns KieContainer for the classpath, this a global singleton
 KieLoggers getLoggers()
          Returns KieLoggers, a factory for KieRuntimeLogger
 KieMarshallers getMarshallers()
          Returns the KieMarshallers service
 KieRepository getRepository()
          Returns the KieRepository, a singleton acting as a repository for all the available KieModules
 KieResources getResources()
          Returns the KieResources, a factory that provides Resource implementations for the desired IO resource
 KieStoreServices getStoreServices()
          Returns KieStoreServices
 KieBuilder newKieBuilder(File rootFolder)
          Creates a new KieBuilder to build the KieModule contained in the given folder
 KieBuilder newKieBuilder(KieFileSystem kieFileSystem)
          Creates a new KieBuilder to build the KieModule contained in the given KieFileSystem
 KieContainer newKieContainer(ReleaseId releaseId)
          Creates a new KieContainer wrapping the KieModule with the given ReleaseId
 KieFileSystem newKieFileSystem()
          Creates a new KieFileSystem used to programmatically define the resources composing a KieModule
 KieModuleModel newKieModuleModel()
          Creates a new KieModuleModel to programmatically define a KieModule
 KieScanner newKieScanner(KieContainer kieContainer)
          Creates a KieScanner to automatically discover if there are new releases of the KieModule (and its dependencies) wrapped by the given KieContainer
 ReleaseId newReleaseId(String groupId, String artifactId, String version)
          Creates a new ReleaseId with the given groupId, artifactId and version

Method Detail


KieResources getResources()
Returns the KieResources, a factory that provides Resource implementations for the desired IO resource


KieRepository getRepository()
Returns the KieRepository, a singleton acting as a repository for all the available KieModules


KieCommands getCommands()
Returns the KieCommands, a factory for Commands


KieMarshallers getMarshallers()
Returns the KieMarshallers service


KieLoggers getLoggers()
Returns KieLoggers, a factory for KieRuntimeLogger


KieStoreServices getStoreServices()
Returns KieStoreServices


KieContainer getKieClasspathContainer()
Returns KieContainer for the classpath, this a global singleton


KieContainer newKieContainer(ReleaseId releaseId)
Creates a new KieContainer wrapping the KieModule with the given ReleaseId


KieScanner newKieScanner(KieContainer kieContainer)
Creates a KieScanner to automatically discover if there are new releases of the KieModule (and its dependencies) wrapped by the given KieContainer


KieBuilder newKieBuilder(File rootFolder)
Creates a new KieBuilder to build the KieModule contained in the given folder


KieBuilder newKieBuilder(KieFileSystem kieFileSystem)
Creates a new KieBuilder to build the KieModule contained in the given KieFileSystem


ReleaseId newReleaseId(String groupId,
                       String artifactId,
                       String version)
Creates a new ReleaseId with the given groupId, artifactId and version


KieFileSystem newKieFileSystem()
Creates a new KieFileSystem used to programmatically define the resources composing a KieModule


KieModuleModel newKieModuleModel()
Creates a new KieModuleModel to programmatically define a KieModule

KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

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