KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

Interface KieBaseModel

public interface KieBaseModel

KieBaseModel is a model allowing to programmatically define a KieBase

See Also:

Method Summary
 KieBaseModel addInclude(String kBaseName)
          Includes the resources of the KieBase with the given name in this KieBaseModel
 KieBaseModel addPackage(String pkg)
          Adds a package (pattern) to the list of the packages defining the set of resources that have to be included in the KieBase.
 EqualityBehaviorOption getEqualsBehavior()
          Returns the EqualityBehavior of this KieBaseModel
 EventProcessingOption getEventProcessingMode()
          Returns the EventProcessingMode of this KieBaseModel
 Map<String,KieSessionModel> getKieSessionModels()
          Returns all the KieSessionModel defined in this KieBaseModel mapped by their names
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the KieBase defined by this KieBaseModel
 List<String> getPackages()
          Returns the ordered list of all the package patterns used to define the set of resources that have to be included in the KieBase.
 String getScope()
          Returns the CDI scope of this KieBaseModel Default is javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped
 boolean isDefault()
          Returns true if this KieBaseModel is the default one
 KieSessionModel newKieSessionModel(String name)
          Creates a new KieSessionModel with the given name and adds it to this KieBaseModel
 KieBaseModel removeInclude(String kBaseName)
          Remove the imclusion of the KieBase with the given name
 KieBaseModel removeKieSessionModel(String qName)
          Removes the KieSessionModel with the give name from this KieBaseModel
 KieBaseModel removePackage(String pkg)
          Removes a package (pattern) from the list of the packages defining the set of resources that have to be included in the KieBase.
 KieBaseModel setDefault(boolean isDefault)
          Sets the KieBase generated from this KieBaseModel as the default one, i.e. the one that can be loaded from the KieContainer without having to pass its name.
 KieBaseModel setEqualsBehavior(EqualityBehaviorOption equalsBehaviour)
          Sets the EqualityBehavior for this KieBaseModel.
 KieBaseModel setEventProcessingMode(EventProcessingOption eventProcessingMode)
          Sets the EventProcessingOption for this KieBaseModel Default is EventProcessingOption.STREAM
 KieBaseModel setScope(String scope)
          Sets the CDI scope for this KieBaseModel

Method Detail


KieSessionModel newKieSessionModel(String name)
Creates a new KieSessionModel with the given name and adds it to this KieBaseModel

name - The name of the new KieSessionModel to be created
The new KieSessionModel


KieBaseModel removeKieSessionModel(String qName)
Removes the KieSessionModel with the give name from this KieBaseModel

name - The name of the KieSessionModel to be removed


Map<String,KieSessionModel> getKieSessionModels()
Returns all the KieSessionModel defined in this KieBaseModel mapped by their names


KieBaseModel addInclude(String kBaseName)
Includes the resources of the KieBase with the given name in this KieBaseModel


KieBaseModel removeInclude(String kBaseName)
Remove the imclusion of the KieBase with the given name


String getName()
Returns the name of the KieBase defined by this KieBaseModel


List<String> getPackages()
Returns the ordered list of all the package patterns used to define the set of resources that have to be included in the KieBase. If this list is empty, "*" is assumed by default, meaning that all the resources stored under a folder with the same name of this KieBaseModel will be included in the compiled KieBase regardless of the package they belong to. The list of package patterns is ordered and earlier patterns are applied before later patterns. For example, if you specify "*,!" the second pattern has no effect since all packages have already been selected by the first pattern. Instead, you should specify "!,*", which will export all packages except


KieBaseModel addPackage(String pkg)
Adds a package (pattern) to the list of the packages defining the set of resources that have to be included in the KieBase.


KieBaseModel removePackage(String pkg)
Removes a package (pattern) from the list of the packages defining the set of resources that have to be included in the KieBase.


EqualityBehaviorOption getEqualsBehavior()
Returns the EqualityBehavior of this KieBaseModel


KieBaseModel setEqualsBehavior(EqualityBehaviorOption equalsBehaviour)
Sets the EqualityBehavior for this KieBaseModel. Default is EqualityBehaviorOption.IDENTITY


EventProcessingOption getEventProcessingMode()
Returns the EventProcessingMode of this KieBaseModel


KieBaseModel setEventProcessingMode(EventProcessingOption eventProcessingMode)
Sets the EventProcessingOption for this KieBaseModel Default is EventProcessingOption.STREAM


KieBaseModel setScope(String scope)
Sets the CDI scope for this KieBaseModel


String getScope()
Returns the CDI scope of this KieBaseModel Default is javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped


boolean isDefault()
Returns true if this KieBaseModel is the default one


KieBaseModel setDefault(boolean isDefault)
Sets the KieBase generated from this KieBaseModel as the default one, i.e. the one that can be loaded from the KieContainer without having to pass its name. Note that only one default KieBaseModel is allowed in a given KieContainer so if more than one is found (maybe because a given KieContainer includes many KieModules) a warning is emitted and all the defaults are disabled so all the KieBases will be accessible only by name

KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

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