KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectMarshallingStrategy.Context
org.kie.api.marshalling Marshalling classes are used to marshall and unmarshal StatefulKnowledgeSessions See MarshallerFactory for more detailed information. 

Uses of ObjectMarshallingStrategy.Context in org.kie.api.marshalling

Methods in org.kie.api.marshalling that return ObjectMarshallingStrategy.Context
 ObjectMarshallingStrategy.Context ObjectMarshallingStrategy.createContext()
          Creates a new marshalling context

Methods in org.kie.api.marshalling with parameters of type ObjectMarshallingStrategy.Context
 byte[] ObjectMarshallingStrategy.marshal(ObjectMarshallingStrategy.Context context, ObjectOutputStream os, Object object)
          This method is analogous to the write() method, but instead of writing the object into an output stream, it returns the marshalled object as a byte[].
 Object ObjectMarshallingStrategy.unmarshal(ObjectMarshallingStrategy.Context context, ObjectInputStream is, byte[] object, ClassLoader classloader)
          This method is analogous to the read method, but instead of reading it from an input stream, it reads it from a byte[]

KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

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