KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

Interface Evaluator

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Evaluator
extends Serializable

A public interface to be implemented by all evaluators

Method Summary
 Operator getOperator()
          Returns the operator representation object for this evaluator
 boolean isTemporal()
          Returns true if this evaluator implements a temporal evaluation, i.e., a time sensitive evaluation whose properties of matching only events within an specific time interval can be used for determining event expirations automatically.

Method Detail


Operator getOperator()
Returns the operator representation object for this evaluator



boolean isTemporal()
Returns true if this evaluator implements a temporal evaluation, i.e., a time sensitive evaluation whose properties of matching only events within an specific time interval can be used for determining event expirations automatically.

true if the evaluator is a temporal evaluator.

KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

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