KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

Interface Connection

public interface Connection

A connection is a link from one Node to another.

Method Summary
 Node getFrom()
          The Node the connection starts from.
 String getFromType()
          The type of exit point of the from Node.
 Map<String,Object> getMetaData()
          Meta data associated with this connection.
 Node getTo()
          The Node the connection goes to.
 String getToType()
          The type of entry point of the to Node.

Method Detail


Node getFrom()
The Node the connection starts from.


Node getTo()
The Node the connection goes to.


String getFromType()
The type of exit point of the from Node. Defaults to "DROOLS_DEFAULT".


String getToType()
The type of entry point of the to Node. Defaults to "DROOLS_DEFAULT".


Map<String,Object> getMetaData()
Meta data associated with this connection.

KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

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