KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Process
org.kie.api The KnowledgeBase and its factory. 
org.kie.api.definition All classes to create definitions, as built by the KnowledgeBuilder from artifact resources, can be found here. 
org.kie.api.definition.process The classes that make up a Process definition. 
org.kie.api.event.kiebase Events emitted while updating the definitions in the KnowledgeBase. 
org.kie.api.runtime.process The process runtime classes. 

Uses of Process in org.kie.api

Methods in org.kie.api that return Process
 Process KieBase.getProcess(String processId)
          Returns a reference to the Process identified by the given processId

Methods in org.kie.api that return types with arguments of type Process
 Collection<Process> KieBase.getProcesses()
          Returns a collection of the Processes that exist in this KieBase.

Uses of Process in org.kie.api.definition

Methods in org.kie.api.definition that return types with arguments of type Process
 Collection<Process> KiePackage.getProcesses()
          Return the process definitions for this package.

Uses of Process in org.kie.api.definition.process

Subinterfaces of Process in org.kie.api.definition.process
 interface WorkflowProcess
          A WorkflowProcess is a type of Process that uses a flow chart (as a collection of Nodes and Connections) to model the business logic.

Uses of Process in org.kie.api.event.kiebase

Methods in org.kie.api.event.kiebase that return Process
 Process AfterProcessRemovedEvent.getProcess()
 Process BeforeProcessRemovedEvent.getProcess()
 Process AfterProcessAddedEvent.getProcess()
 Process BeforeProcessAddedEvent.getProcess()

Uses of Process in org.kie.api.runtime.process

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime.process that return Process
 Process ProcessInstance.getProcess()

KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

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