KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use KieSession
org.kie.api The KnowledgeBase and its factory. 
org.kie.api.marshalling Marshalling classes are used to marshall and unmarshal StatefulKnowledgeSessions See MarshallerFactory for more detailed information. 
org.kie.api.runtime The runtime engine classes, including StatefulKnowledgeSession and StatelessKnowledgeSession. 

Uses of KieSession in org.kie.api

Methods in org.kie.api that return KieSession
 KieSession KieBase.newKieSession()
          Creates a new KieSession using the default session configuration.
 KieSession KieBase.newKieSession(KieSessionConfiguration conf, Environment environment)
          Creates a new KieSession using the given session configuration and/or environment.

Methods in org.kie.api that return types with arguments of type KieSession
 Collection<? extends KieSession> KieBase.getKieSessions()
          Returns a collection of the KieSessions that exist in this KieBase.

Uses of KieSession in org.kie.api.marshalling

Methods in org.kie.api.marshalling that return KieSession
 KieSession Marshaller.unmarshall(InputStream stream)
          Creates StatefulKnowledgeSession using default KnowledgeSessionConfiguration and Environment.
 KieSession Marshaller.unmarshall(InputStream stream, KieSessionConfiguration config, Environment environment)
          Creates StatefulKnowledgeSession using the given KnowledgeSessionConfiguration and Environment.

Methods in org.kie.api.marshalling with parameters of type KieSession
 void Marshaller.marshall(OutputStream stream, KieSession ksession)
          Marshalls the given StatefulKnowledgeSession into the provided OutputStream
 void Marshaller.unmarshall(InputStream stream, KieSession ksession)
          Unmarshall the stream into the StatefulKnowledgeSession.

Uses of KieSession in org.kie.api.persistence.jpa

Methods in org.kie.api.persistence.jpa that return KieSession
 KieSession KieStoreServices.loadKieSession(int id, KieBase kbase, KieSessionConfiguration configuration, Environment environment)
 KieSession KieStoreServices.newKieSession(KieBase kbase, KieSessionConfiguration configuration, Environment environment)

Uses of KieSession in org.kie.api.runtime

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime that return KieSession
 KieSession KieContainer.newKieSession()
          Creates the default KieSession for this KieContainer
 KieSession KieContainer.newKieSession(Environment environment)
          Creates the default KieSession for this KieContainer using the given Environment
 KieSession KieContainer.newKieSession(KieSessionConfiguration conf)
          Creates the default KieSession for this KieContainer with the given configuration
 KieSession KieContainer.newKieSession(String kSessionName)
          Creates the KieSession with the given name for this KieContainer
 KieSession KieContainer.newKieSession(String kSessionName, Environment environment)
          Creates the KieSession with the given name for this KieContainer using the given Environment
 KieSession KieContainer.newKieSession(String kSessionName, Environment environment, KieSessionConfiguration conf)
          Creates the KieSession with the given name for this KieContainer using the given Environment and configuration
 KieSession KieContainer.newKieSession(String kSessionName, KieSessionConfiguration conf)
          Creates the KieSession with the given name for this KieContainer with the given configuration

Uses of KieSession in org.kie.api.runtime.manager

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime.manager that return KieSession
 KieSession RuntimeEngine.getKieSession()

KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

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