KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FactHandle
org.kie.api.event.rule Events emitted while Rules are executing. 
org.kie.api.runtime.rule The rule runtime classes. 

Uses of FactHandle in org.kie.api.command

Methods in org.kie.api.command that return types with arguments of type FactHandle
 Command<FactHandle> KieCommands.fromExternalFactHandleCommand(String factHandleExternalForm)
 Command<FactHandle> KieCommands.fromExternalFactHandleCommand(String factHandleExternalForm, boolean disconnected)

Methods in org.kie.api.command with parameters of type FactHandle
 Command KieCommands.newDelete(FactHandle factHandle)
 Command KieCommands.newGetObject(FactHandle factHandle)
 Command KieCommands.newGetObject(FactHandle factHandle, String outIdentifier)
 Command KieCommands.newModify(FactHandle factHandle, List<Setter> setters)

Uses of FactHandle in org.kie.api.event.rule

Methods in org.kie.api.event.rule that return FactHandle
 FactHandle ObjectInsertedEvent.getFactHandle()
 FactHandle ObjectDeletedEvent.getFactHandle()
 FactHandle ObjectUpdatedEvent.getFactHandle()

Uses of FactHandle in org.kie.api.runtime.rule

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime.rule with type parameters of type FactHandle
<T extends FactHandle>
          Returns all FactHandles from the current session.
<T extends FactHandle>
EntryPoint.getFactHandles(ObjectFilter filter)
          Returns all FactHandles from the current session for which the facts are accepted by the given filter.

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime.rule that return FactHandle
 FactHandle PropagationContext.getFactHandle()
          The facthandle that was inserted, updated or retracted that created the PropagationContext
 FactHandle EntryPoint.getFactHandle(Object object)
          Returns the fact handle associated with the given object.
 FactHandle Row.getFactHandle(String identifier)
          Return the FactHandle associated with the given identifier
 FactHandle EntryPoint.insert(Object object)
          Inserts a new fact into this entry point

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime.rule that return types with arguments of type FactHandle
 List<? extends FactHandle> Match.getFactHandles()

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime.rule with parameters of type FactHandle
 void EntryPoint.delete(FactHandle handle)
          Retracts the fact for which the given FactHandle was assigned.
 Object EntryPoint.getObject(FactHandle factHandle)
          Returns the object associated with the given FactHandle.
 void EntryPoint.retract(FactHandle handle)
          Deprecated. use EntryPoint.delete(FactHandle)
 void EntryPoint.update(FactHandle handle, Object object)
          Updates the fact for which the given FactHandle was assigned with the new fact set as the second parameter in this method.

KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

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