KIE API 6.1.0.CR2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use VariableInstanceLog

Uses of VariableInstanceLog in org.kie.api.runtime.manager.audit

Methods in org.kie.api.runtime.manager.audit that return types with arguments of type VariableInstanceLog
 List<? extends VariableInstanceLog> AuditService.findVariableInstances(long processInstanceId)
          Returns all variable logs for given process instance id
 List<? extends VariableInstanceLog> AuditService.findVariableInstances(long processInstanceId, String variableId)
          Returns all variable logs for given process instance id and variable identifier
 List<? extends VariableInstanceLog> AuditService.findVariableInstancesByName(String variableId, boolean onlyActiveProcesses)
          Returns all variable logs that are identified by variable id regardless of what process instance they belong to
 List<? extends VariableInstanceLog> AuditService.findVariableInstancesByNameAndValue(String variableId, String value, boolean onlyActiveProcesses)
          Returns all variable logs that are identified by variable id and has given value regardless of what process instance they belong to

KIE API 6.1.0.CR2

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