OptaPlanner core 6.1.0.Final

Interface ValueRange<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCountableValueRange, AbstractUncountableValueRange, BigDecimalValueRange, CompositeCountableValueRange, DoubleValueRange, EmptyValueRange, IntValueRange, ListValueRange, NullableCountableValueRange

public interface ValueRange<T>

A ValueRange is a set of a values for a PlanningVariable. These values might be stored in memory as a Collection (usually a List or Set), but if the values are numbers, they can also be stored in memory by their bounds to use less memory and provide more opportunities.

Prefer using CountableValueRange (which extends this interface) whenever possible.

A ValueRange is stateful (unlike a ValueSelector which is stateless

Implementations must be immutable..

An implementation must extend AbstractCountableValueRange or AbstractUncountableValueRange to ensure backwards compatibility in future versions.

See Also:
ValueRangeFactory, CountableValueRange, AbstractCountableValueRange, AbstractUncountableValueRange

Method Summary
 boolean contains(T value)
 Iterator<T> createRandomIterator(Random workingRandom)
          Select in random order, without shuffling the elements.

Method Detail


boolean contains(T value)
value - sometimes null
true if the ValueRange contains that value


Iterator<T> createRandomIterator(Random workingRandom)
Select in random order, without shuffling the elements. Each element might be selected multiple times. Scales well because it does not require caching.

workingRandom - never null, the Random to use when any random number is needed, so EnvironmentMode.REPRODUCIBLE works correctly
never null

OptaPlanner core 6.1.0.Final

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