OptaPlanner core 6.2.0.Beta2

Class TrendBasedScoreBounder

  extended by org.optaplanner.core.impl.exhaustivesearch.node.bounder.TrendBasedScoreBounder
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TrendBasedScoreBounder
extends Object
implements ScoreBounder

Field Summary
protected  InitializingScoreTrend initializingScoreTrend
protected  ScoreDefinition scoreDefinition
Constructor Summary
TrendBasedScoreBounder(InnerScoreDirectorFactory scoreDirectorFactory)
Method Summary
 Score calculateOptimisticBound(ScoreDirector scoreDirector, Score score)
          In OR terms, this is called the lower bound if they minimize, and upper bound if they maximize.
 Score calculatePessimisticBound(ScoreDirector scoreDirector, Score score)
          In OR terms, this is called the upper bound if they minimize, and lower bound if they maximize.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final ScoreDefinition scoreDefinition


protected final InitializingScoreTrend initializingScoreTrend
Constructor Detail


public TrendBasedScoreBounder(InnerScoreDirectorFactory scoreDirectorFactory)
Method Detail


public Score calculateOptimisticBound(ScoreDirector scoreDirector,
                                      Score score)
Description copied from interface: ScoreBounder
In OR terms, this is called the lower bound if they minimize, and upper bound if they maximize. Because we always maximize the Score, calling it lower bound would be a contradiction.

Specified by:
calculateOptimisticBound in interface ScoreBounder
scoreDirector - never null, use ScoreDirector.getWorkingSolution() to get the working Solution
score - never null, the Score of the working Solution
never null, never worse than the best possible Score we can get by initializing the uninitialized variables of the working Solution.


public Score calculatePessimisticBound(ScoreDirector scoreDirector,
                                       Score score)
Description copied from interface: ScoreBounder
In OR terms, this is called the upper bound if they minimize, and lower bound if they maximize. Because we always maximize the Score, calling it upper bound would be a contradiction.

Specified by:
calculatePessimisticBound in interface ScoreBounder
scoreDirector - never null, use ScoreDirector.getWorkingSolution() to get the working Solution
score - never null, the Score of the working Solution
never null, never better than the worst possible Score we can get by initializing the uninitialized variables of the working Solution.

OptaPlanner core 6.2.0.Beta2

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