JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 18. Workbench

18.1. Installation
18.1.1. War installation
18.1.2. Workbench data
18.1.3. System properties
18.2. Quick Start
18.2.1. Add repository
18.2.2. Add project
18.2.3. Define Data Model
18.2.4. Define Rule
18.2.5. Build and Deploy
18.3. Administration
18.3.1. Administration overview
18.3.2. Organizational unit
18.3.3. Repositories
18.4. Configuration
18.4.1. User management
18.4.2. Roles
18.4.3. Restricting access to repositories
18.4.4. Command line config tool
18.5. Introduction
18.5.1. Log in and log out
18.5.2. Home screen
18.5.3. Workbench concepts
18.5.4. Initial layout
18.6. Changing the layout
18.6.1. Resizing
18.6.2. Repositioning
18.7. Authoring
18.7.1. Artifact Repository
18.7.2. Asset Editor
18.7.3. Tags Editor
18.7.4. Project Explorer
18.7.5. Project Editor
18.7.6. Validation
18.7.7. Data Modeller
18.7.8. Data Sets
18.8. Embedding Workbench In Your Application
18.9. Asset Management
18.9.1. Asset Management Overview
18.9.2. Managed vs Unmanaged Repositories
18.9.3. Asset Management Processes
18.9.4. Usage Flow
18.9.5. Repository Structure
18.9.6. Managed Repositories Operations
18.9.7. Remote APIs

Here's a list of all system properties:

To change one of these system properties in a WildFly or JBoss EAP cluster:

These steps help you get started with minimum of effort.

They should not be a substitute for reading the documentation in full.

Provides capabilities to manage the system repository from command line. System repository contains the data about general workbench settings: how editors behave, organizational groups, security and other settings that are not editable by the user. System repository exists in the .niogit folder, next to all the repositories that have been created or cloned into the workbench.

The default layout may not be suitable for a user. Panels can therefore be either resized or repositioned.

This, for example, could be useful when running tests; as the test defintion and rule can be repositioned side-by-side.

Projects often need external artifacts in their classpath in order to build, for example a domain model JARs. The artifact repository holds those artifacts.

The Artifact Repository is a full blown Maven repository. It follows the semantics of a Maven remote repository: all snapshots are timestamped. But it is often stored on the local hard drive.

By default the artifact repository is stored under $WORKING_DIRECTORY/repositories/kie, but it can be overridden with the system property -Dorg.guvnor.m2repo.dir. There is only 1 Maven repository per installation.

The Artifact Repository screen shows a list of the artifacts in the Maven repository:

To add a new artifact to that Maven repository, either:

  • Use the upload button and select a JAR. If the JAR contains a POM file under META-INF/maven (which every JAR build by Maven has), no further information is needed. Otherwise, a groupId, artifactId and version need be given too.

  • Using Maven, mvn deploy to that Maven repository. Refresh the list to make it show up.


This remote Maven repository is relatively simple. It does not support proxying, mirroring, ... like Nexus or Archiva.

The Asset Editor is the principle component of the workbench User-Interface. It consists of two main views Editor and Overview.

The Project Explorer provides the ability to browse different Organizational Units, Repositories, Projects and their files.

The Project Editor screen can be accessed from Project Explorer. Project Editor shows the settings for the currently active project.

Unlike most of the workbench editors, project editor edits more than one file. Showing everything that is needed for configuring the KIE project in one place.

By default, a data model is always constrained to the context of a project. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that a correctly configured project already exists and the authoring perspective is open.

To start the creation of a data model inside a project, take the following steps:

This will start up the Data Modeller tool, which has the following general aspect:

The "Editor" tab is divided into the following sections:

The "Source" tab shows an editor that allows the visualization and modification of the generated java code.

The "Overview" tab shows the standard metadata and version information as the other workbench editors.

Once the data object has been created, it now has to be completed by adding user-defined properties to its definition. This can be achieved by providing the required information in the "Create new field" section (see fig. "New field creation"), and clicking on the "Create" button when finished. The following fields can (or must) be filled out:

When finished introducing the initial information for a new field, clicking the 'Create' button will add the newly created field to the end of the data object's fields table below:

The new field will also automatically be selected in the data object's field list, and its properties will be shown in the Field tab of the Property editor. The latter facilitates completion of some additional properties of the new field by the user (see below).

At any time, any field (without restrictions) can be deleted from a data object definition by clicking on the corresponding 'x' icon in the data object's fields table.

As stated before, both data objects as well as fields require some of their initial properties to be set upon creation. These are by no means the only properties data objects and fields have. Below we will give a detailed description of the additional data object and field properties.

  • Description: this field allows the user to introduce some kind of description for the current data object, for documentation purposes only. As with the label property, this is conceptual information that will not influence the use or treatment of this data object or its instances in any way.

  • TypeSafe: this property allows to enable/disable the type safe behaviour for current type. By default all type declarations are compiled with type safety enabled. (See Drools for more information on this matter).

  • ClassReactive: this property allows to mark this type to be treated as "Class Reactive" by the Drools engine. (See Drools for more information on this matter).

  • PropertyReactive: this property allows to mark this type to be treated as "Property Reactive" by the Drools engine. (See Drools for more information on this matter).

  • Role: this property allows to configure how the Drools engine should handle instances of this type: either as regular facts or as events. By default all types are handled as a regular fact, so for the time being the only value that can be set is "Event" to declare that this type should be handled as an event. (See Drools Fusion for more information on this matter).

  • Timestamp: this property allows to configure the "timestamp" for an event, by selecting one of his attributes. If set the engine will use the timestamp from the given attribute instead of reading it from the Session Clock. If not, the engine will automatically assign a timestamp to the event. (See Drools Fusion for more information on this matter).

  • Duration: this property allows to configure the "duration" for an event, by selecting one of his attributes. If set the engine will use the duration from the given attribute instead of using the default event duration = 0. (See Drools Fusion for more information on this matter).

  • Expires: this property allows to configure the "time offset" for an event expiration. If set, this value must be a temporal interval in the form: [#d][#h][#m][#s][#[ms]] Where [ ] means an optional parameter and # means a numeric value. e.g.: 1d2h, means one day and two hours. (See Drools Fusion for more information on this matter).

  • Remotable: If checked this property makes the data object available to be used with jBPM remote services as REST, JMS and WS. (See jBPM for more information on this matter).

The data model in itself is merely a visual tool that allows the user to define high-level data structures, for them to interact with the Drools Engine on the one hand, and the jBPM platform on the other. In order for this to become possible, these high-level visual structures have to be transformed into low-level artifacts that can effectively be consumed by these platforms. These artifacts are Java POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), and they are generated every time the data model is saved, by pressing the "Save" button in the top Data Modeller Menu. Additionally when the user round trip between the "Editor" and "Source" tab, the code is auto generated to maintain the consistency with the Editor view and vice versa.

The resulting code is generated according to the following transformation rules:

  • The data object's identifier property will become the Java class's name. It therefore needs to be a valid Java identifier.

  • The data object's package property becomes the Java class's package declaration.

  • The data object's superclass property (if present) becomes the Java class's extension declaration.

  • The data object's label and description properties will translate into the Java annotations "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Label" and "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Description", respectively. These annotations are merely a way of preserving the associated information, and as yet are not processed any further.

  • The data object's role property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Role" Java annotation, that IS interpreted by the application platform, in the sense that it marks this Java class as a Drools Event Fact-Type.

  • The data object's type safe property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.TypeSafe Java annotation. (see Drools)

  • The data object's class reactive property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.ClassReactive Java annotation. (see Drools)

  • The data object's property reactive property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.PropertyReactive Java annotation. (see Drools)

  • The data object's timestamp property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Timestamp Java annotation. (see Drools)

  • The data object's duration property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Duration Java annotation. (see Drools)

  • The data object's expires property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Expires Java annotation. (see Drools)

  • The data object's remotable property (if present) will be translated into the "@org.kie.api.remote.Remotable Java annotation. (see jBPM)

A standard Java default (or no parameter) constructor is generated, as well as a full parameter constructor, i.e. a constructor that accepts as parameters a value for each of the data object's user-defined fields.

The data object's user-defined fields are translated into Java class fields, each one of them with its own getter and setter method, according to the following transformation rules:

  • The data object field's identifier will become the Java field identifier. It therefore needs to be a valid Java identifier.

  • The data object field's type is directly translated into the Java class's field type. In case the field was declared to be multiple (i.e. 'List'), then the generated field is of the "java.util.List" type.

  • The equals property: when it is set for a specific field, then this class property will be annotated with the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Key" annotation, which is interpreted by the Drools Engine, and it will 'participate' in the generated equals() method, which overwrites the equals() method of the Object class. The latter implies that if the field is a 'primitive' type, the equals method will simply compares its value with the value of the corresponding field in another instance of the class. If the field is a sub-entity or a collection type, then the equals method will make a method-call to the equals method of the corresponding data object's Java class, or of the java.util.List standard Java class, respectively.

    If the equals property is checked for ANY of the data object's user defined fields, then this also implies that in addition to the default generated constructors another constructor is generated, accepting as parameters all of the fields that were marked with Equals. Furthermore, generation of the equals() method also implies that also the Object class's hashCode() method is overwritten, in such a manner that it will call the hashCode() methods of the corresponding Java class types (be it 'primitive' or user-defined types) for all the fields that were marked with Equals in the Data Model.

  • The position property: this field property is automatically set for all user-defined fields, starting from 0, and incrementing by 1 for each subsequent new field. However the user can freely changes the position among the fields. At code generation time this property is translated into the "@org.kie.api.definition.type.Position" annotation, which can be interpreted by the Drools Engine. Also, the established property order determines the order of the constructor parameters in the generated Java class.

As an example, the generated Java class code for the Purchase Order data object, corresponding to its definition as shown in the following figure purchase_example.jpg is visualized in the figure at the bottom of this chapter. Note that the two of the data object's fields, namely 'header' and 'lines' were marked with Equals, and have been assigned with the positions 2 and 1, respectively).

    package org.jbpm.examples.purchases;

    * This class was automatically generated by the data modeler tool.
    @org.kie.api.definition.type.Label("Purchase Order")
    public class PurchaseOrder implements java.io.Serializable

    static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private java.lang.Double total;

    private java.lang.String description;

    private java.util.List<org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderLine> lines;

    private org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderHeader header;

    private java.lang.Boolean requiresCFOApproval;

    public PurchaseOrder()

    public java.lang.Double getTotal()
    return this.total;

    public void setTotal(java.lang.Double total)
    this.total = total;

    public java.lang.String getDescription()
    return this.description;

    public void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
    this.description = description;

    public java.util.List<org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderLine> getLines()
    return this.lines;

    public void setLines(java.util.List<org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderLine> lines)
    this.lines = lines;

    public org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderHeader getHeader()
    return this.header;

    public void setHeader(org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderHeader header)
    this.header = header;

    public java.lang.Boolean getRequiresCFOApproval()
    return this.requiresCFOApproval;

    public void setRequiresCFOApproval(java.lang.Boolean requiresCFOApproval)
    this.requiresCFOApproval = requiresCFOApproval;

    public PurchaseOrder(java.lang.Double total, java.lang.String description,
    java.util.List<org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderLine> lines,
    org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderHeader header,
    java.lang.Boolean requiresCFOApproval)
    this.total = total;
    this.description = description;
    this.lines = lines;
    this.header = header;
    this.requiresCFOApproval = requiresCFOApproval;

    public PurchaseOrder(java.lang.String description,
    org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderHeader header,
    java.util.List<org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderLine> lines,
    java.lang.Double total, java.lang.Boolean requiresCFOApproval)
    this.description = description;
    this.header = header;
    this.lines = lines;
    this.total = total;
    this.requiresCFOApproval = requiresCFOApproval;

    public PurchaseOrder(
    java.util.List<org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderLine> lines,
    org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrderHeader header)
    this.lines = lines;
    this.header = header;

    public boolean equals(Object o)
    if (this == o)
    return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
    return false;
    org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrder that = (org.jbpm.examples.purchases.PurchaseOrder) o;
    if (lines != null ? !lines.equals(that.lines) : that.lines != null)
    return false;
    if (header != null ? !header.equals(that.header) : that.header != null)
    return false;
    return true;

    public int hashCode()
    int result = 17;
    result = 31 * result + (lines != null ? lines.hashCode() : 0);
    result = 31 * result + (header != null ? header.hashCode() : 0);
    return result;



Using an external model means the ability to use a set for already defined POJOs in current project context. In order to make those POJOs available a dependency to the given JAR should be added. Once the dependency has been added the external POJOs can be referenced from current project data model.

There are two ways to add a dependency to an external JAR file:

Current version implements roundtrip and code preservation between Data modeller and Java source code. No matter where the Java code was generated (e.g. Eclipse, Data modeller), the data modeller will only create/delete/update the necessary code elements to maintain the model updated, i.e, fields, getter/setters, constructors, equals method and hashCode method. Also whatever Type or Field annotation not managed by the Data Modeler will be preserved when the Java sources are updated by the Data modeller.

Aside from code preservation, like in the other workbench editors, concurrent modification scenarios are still possible. Common scenarios are when two different users are updating the model for the same project, e.g. using the data modeller or executing a 'git push command' that modifies project sources.

From an application context's perspective, we can basically identify two different main scenarios:

A data set is basically a set of columns populated with some rows, a matrix of data composed of timestamps, texts and numbers. A data set can be stored in different systems: a database, an excel file, in memory or in a lot of other different systems. On the other hand, a data set definition tells the workbench modules how such data can be accessed, read and parsed.

Notice, it's very important to make crystal clear the difference between a data set and its definition since the workbench does not take care of storing any data, it just provides an standard way to define access to those data sets regardless where the data is stored.

Let's take for instance the data stored in a remote database. A valid data set could be, for example, an entire database table or the result of an SQL query. In both cases, the database will return a bunch of columns and rows. Now, imagine we want to get access to such data to feed some charts in a new workbench perspective. First thing is to create and register a data set definition in order to indicate the following:

This chapter introduces the available workbench tools for registering and handling data set definitions and how this definitions can be consumed in other workbench modules like, for instance, the Perspective Editor.

Clicking on the New Data Set button opens a new screen from which the user is able to create a new data set definition in three steps:

After clicking on the Test button (see previous step), the system executes a data set lookup test call in order to check if the remote system is up and the data is available. If everything goes ok the user will see the following screen:

This screen shows a live data preview along with the columns the user wants to be part of the resulting data set. The user can also navigate through the data and apply some changes to the data set structure. Once finished, we can click on the Save button in order to register the new data set definition.

We can also change the configuration settings at any time just by going back to the configuration tab. We can repeat the Configuration>Test>Preview cycle as may times as needed until we consider it's ready to be saved.


In the Columns tab area the user can select what columns are part of the resulting data set definition.

  • (1) To add or remove columns. Select only those columns you want to be part of the resulting data set

  • (2) Use the drop down image selector to change the column type

A data set may only contain columns of any of the following 4 types:

  • Label - For text values supporting group operations (similar to the SQL "group by" operator) which means you can perform data lookup calls and get one row per distinct value.

  • Text - For text values NOT supporting group operations. Typically for modeling large text columns such as abstracts, descriptions and the like.

  • Number - For numeric values. It does support aggregation functions on data lookup calls: sum, min, max, average, count, disctinct.

  • Date - For date or timestamp values. It does support time based group operations by different time intervals: minute, hour, day, month, year, ...

No matter which remote system you want to retrieve data from, the resulting data set will always return a set of columns of one of the four types above. There exists, by default, a mapping between the remote system column types and the data set types. The user is able to modify the type for some columns, depending on the data provider and the column type of the remote system. The system supports the following changes to column types:

  • Label <> Text - Useful when we want to enable/disable the categorization (grouping) for the target column. For instance, imagine a database table called "document" containing a large text column called "abstract". As we do not want the system to treat such column as a "label" we might change its column type to "text". Doing so, we are optimizing the way the system handles the data set and

  • Number <> Label - Useful when we want to treat numeric columns as labels. This can be used for instance to indicate that a given numeric column is not a numeric value that can be used in aggregation functions. Despite its values are stored as numbers we want to handle the column as a "label". One example of such columns are: an item's code, an appraisal id., ...


BEAN data sets do not support changing column types as it's up to the developer to decide which are the concrete types for each column.


A data set definition may define a filter. The goal of the filter is to leave out rows the user does not consider necessary. The filter feature works on any data provider type and it lets the user to apply filter operations on any of the data set columns available.

While adding or removing filter conditions and operations, the preview table on central area is updated with live data that reflects the current filter status.

There exists two strategies for filtering data sets and it's also important to note that choosing between the two have important implications. Imagine a dashboard with some charts feeding from a expense reports data set where such data set is built on top of an SQL table. Imagine also we only want to retrieve the expense reports from the "London" office. You may define a data set containing the filter "office=London" and then having several charts feeding from such data set. This is the recommended approach. Another option is to define a data set with no initial filter and then let the individual charts to specify their own filter. It's up to the user to decide on the best approach.

Depending on the case it might be better to define the filter at a data set level for reusing across other modules. The decision may also have impact on the performance since a filtered cached data set will have far better performance than a lot of individual non-cached data set lookup requests. (See the next section for more information about caching data sets).


Notice, for SQL data sets, the user can use both the filter feature introduced or, alternatively, just add custom filter criteria to the SQL sentence. Although, the first approach is more appropriated for non technical users since they might not have the required SQL language skills.

The system provides caching mechanisms out-of-the-box for holding data sets and performing data operations using in-memory strategies. The use of these features brings a lot of advantages, like reducing the network traffic, remote system payload, processing times etc. On the other hand, it's up to the user to fine tune properly the caching settings to avoid hitting performance issues.

Two cache levels are supported:

The following diagram shows how caching is involved in any data set operation:

Any data look up call produces a resulting data set, so the use of the caching techniques determines where the data lookup calls are executed and where the resulting data set is located.

Client cache

If ON then the data set involved in a look up operation is pushed into the web browser so that all the components that feed from this data set do not need to perform any requests to the backend since data set operations are resolved at a client side:

  • The data set is stored in the web browser's memory

  • The client components feed from the data set stored in the browser

  • Data set operations (grouping, aggregations, filters and sort) are processed within the web browser, by means of a Javascript data set operation engine.

If you know beforehand that your data set will remain small, you can enable the client cache. It will reduce the number of backend requests, including the requests to the storage system. On the other hand, if you consider that your data set will be quite big, disable the client cache so as to not hitting with browser issues such as slow performance or intermittent hangs.

Backend cache

Its goal is to provide a caching mechanism for data sets on backend side.

This feature allows to reduce the number of requests to the remote storage system , by holding the data set in memory and performing group, filter and sort operations using the in-memory engine.

It's useful for data sets that do not change very often and their size can be considered acceptable to be held and processed in memory. It can be also helpful on low latency connectivity issues with the remote storage. On the other hand, if your data set is going to be updated frequently, it's better to disable the backend cache and perform the requests to the remote storage on each look up request, so the storage system is in charge of resolving the data set lookup request.


BEAN and CSV data providers relies by default on the backend cache, as in both cases the data set must be always loaded into memory in order to resolve any data lookup operation using the in-memory engine. This is the reason why the backend settings are not visible in the Advanced settings tab.

The refresh feature allows for the invalidation of any cached data when certain conditions are meet.

  • (1) To enable or disable the refresh feature.

  • (2) To specify the refresh interval.

  • (3) To enable or disable data set invalidation when the data is outdated.

The data set refresh policy is tightly related to data set caching, detailed in previous section. This invalidation mechanism determines the cache life-cycle.

Depending on the nature of the data there exist three main use cases:

  • Source data changes predictable - Imagine a database being updated every night. In that case, the suggested configuration is to use a "refresh interval = 1 day" and disable "refresh on stale data". That way, the system will always invalidate the cached data set every day. This is the right configuration when we know in advance that the data is going to change.

  • Source data changes unpredictable - On the other hand, if we do not know whether the database is updated every day, the suggested configuration is to use a "refresh interval = 1 day" and enable "refresh on stale data". If so the system, before invalidating any data, will check for modifications. On data modifications, the system will invalidate the current stale data set so that the cache is populated with fresh data on the next data set lookup call.

  • Real time scenarios - In real time scenarios caching makes no sense as data is going to be updated constantly. In this kind of scenarios the data sent to the client has to be constantly updated, so rather than enabling the refresh settings (remember this settings affect the caching, and caching is not enabled) it's up to the clients consuming the data set to decide when to refresh. When the client is a dashboard then it's just a matter of modifying the refresh settings in the Displayer Editor configuration screen and set a proper refresh period, "refresh interval = 1 second" for example.

There are 4 main processes which represent the stages of the Asset Management feature: Configure Repository, Promote Changes, Build and Release.