JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
REST API calls to Knowledge Store allow you to manage the Knowledge Store content and manipulate the static data in the repositories of the Knowledge Store. The calls are asynchronous, that is, they continue their execution after the call was performed as a job. The job ID is returned by every calls to allow after the REST API call was performed to request the job status and verify whether the job finished successfully. Parameters of these calls are provided in the form of JSON entities.
When using Java code to interface with the REST API, the classes used in POST operations
or otherwise returned by various operations can be found in the (org.kie.workbench.services:)kie-wb-common-services
JAR. All
of the classes mentioned below can be found in the org.kie.workbench.common.services.shared.rest
package in that JAR.
Every Knowledge Store REST call returns its job ID after it was sent. This is necessary as the calls are asynchronous and you need to be able to reference the job to check its status as it goes through its lifecycle. During its lifecycle, a job can have the following statuses:
: the job was accepted and is being processed
: the request was not accepted as it contained incorrect content
: the requested resource (path) does not exist
: the resource already exists
: an error on the server occurred
: the job finished successfully
: the job failed
: the job was denied
: the job ID could not be found
A job can be GONE in the following cases:
The job was explicitly removed
The job finished and has been deleted from the status cache (the job is removed from status cache after the cache has reached its maximum capacity)
The job never existed
The following job
calls are provided:
Returns the job status
Returns a JobResult
Example 20.1. An example (formatted) response body to the get job call on a repository clone request
"result":"Alias: testInstallAndDeployProject, Scheme: git, Uri: git://testInstallAndDeployProject",
Removes the job: If the job is not yet being processed, this will remove the job from the job queue. However, this will not cancel or stop an ongoing job
Returns a JobResult
Repository calls are calls to the Knowledge Store that allow you to manage its Git repositories and their projects.
The following repositories
calls are provided:
Gets information about the repositories in the Knowledge Store
Returns a Collection<Map<String, String>>
or Collection<RepositoryRequest>
depending on the JSON serialization library being used. The keys used in the Map<String, String>
instance match
the fields in the RepositoryRequest
Example 20.2. An example (formatted) response body to the get repositories call
"description":"generic assets",
"description":"Loan processes and rules",
Creates a new empty repository or a new repository cloned from an existing (git) repository
Consumes a RepositoryRequest
Returns a CreateOrCloneRepositoryRequest
Example 20.3. An example (formatted) response body to the create repositories call
"description":"repo for my new project",
Removes the repository from the Knowledge Store
Returns a RemoveRepositoryRequest
Creates a project in the repository
Consumes an Entity
Returns a CreateProjectRequest
Example 20.4. An example (formatted) request body that defines the project to be created
"description": "my project"
Organizational unit calls are calls to the Knowledge Store that allow you to manage its organizational units, so as to organize the connected Git repositories.
The following organizationalUnits
calls are provided:
Creates an organizational unit in the Knowledge Store
Consumes an OrganizationalUnit
Returns a CreateOrganizationalUnitRequest
Example 20.5. An example (formatted) request body defining a new organizational unit to be created
Adds the repository to the organizational unit
Returns a AddRepositoryToOrganizationalUnitRequest
Removes the repository from the organizational unit
Returns a RemoveRepositoryFromOrganizationalUnitRequest
Maven calls are calls to a Project in the Knowledge Store that allow you compile and deploy the Project resources.
The following maven
calls are provided:
Compiles the project (equivalent to mvn compile
Consumes a BuildConfig
instance. While this must be supplied, it's not needed for the operation and may be left blank.
Returns a CompileProjectRequest
Installs the project (equivalent to mvn install
Consumes a BuildConfig
instance. While this must be supplied, it's not needed for the operation and may be left blank.
Returns a InstallProjectRequest
Compiles the project runs a test as part of compilation
Consumes a BuildConfig
Returns a TestProjectRequest
Deploys the project (equivalent to mvn deploy
Consumes a BuildConfig
instance. While this must be supplied, it's not needed for the operation and may be left blank.
Returns a DeployProjectRequest
The URL templates in the table below are relative the following URL:
Table 20.1. Knowledge Store REST calls
URL Template | Type | Description |
/jobs/{jobID} | GET | return the job status |
/jobs/{jobID} | DELETE | remove the job |
/organizationalunits | GET | return a list of organizational units |
/organizationalunits | POST |
create an organizational unit in the Knowledge Store described by the JSON |
/organizationalunits/{organizationalUnitName}/repositories/{repositoryName} | POST | add a repository to an organizational unit |
/organizationalunits/{organizationalUnitName}/repositories/{repositoryName} | DELETE | remove a repository from an organizational unit |
/repositories/ | POST |
add the repository to the organizational unit described by the JSON |
/repositories | GET | return the repositories in the Knowledge Store |
/repositories/{repositoryName} | DELETE | remove the repository from the Knowledge Store |
/repositories/ | POST | create or clone the repository defined by the JSON RepositoryRequest entity |
/repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/ | POST | create the project defined by the JSON entity in the repository |
/repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/{projectName}/maven/compile/ | POST | compile the project |
/repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/{projectName}/maven/install | POST | install the project |
/repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/{projectName}/maven/test/ | POST |
compile the project and run tests as part of compilation |
/repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/{projectName}/maven/deploy/ | POST | deploy the project |