JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
The Kie Server is a modular, standalone server component that can be used to instantiate and execute rules and processes. It exposes this functionality via REST, JMS and Java interfaces to client application. It also provides seamless integration with the Kie Workbench.
At its core, the Kie Server is a configurable web application packaged as a WAR file. Distributions are availables for pure web containers (like Tomcat) and for JEE 6 and JEE 7 containers.
Most capabilities on the Kie Server are configurable, and based on the concepts of extensions. Each extension can be enabled/disabled independently, allowing the user to configure the server to its need.
The current version of the Kie Server ships with two default extensions:
BRM: provides support for the execution of Business Rules using the Drools rules engine.
BPM: provides support for the execution of Business Processes using the jBPM process engine. It supports:
process execution
task execution
assynchronous job execution
Both extensions enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting the corresponding property (see configuration chapter for details).
This server was designed to have a low footprint, with minimal memory consumption, and therefore, to be easily deployable on a cloud environment. Each instance of this server can open and instantiate multiple Kie Containers which allows you to execute multiple services in parallel.
Kie Server: execution server purely focusing on providing runtime environment for both rules and processes. These capabilities are provided by Kie Server Extensions. More capabilities can be added by further extensions (e.g. customer could add his own extensions in case of missing functionality that will then use infrastructure of the KIE Server). A Kie Server instance is a standalone Kie Server executing on a given application server/web container. A Kie Server instantiates and provides support for multiple Kie Containers.
Kie Server Extension: a "plugin" for the Kie Server that adds capabilities to the server. The Kie Server ships with two default kie server extensions: BRM and BPM.
Kie Container: an in-memory instantiation of a kjar, allowing for the instantiation and usage of its assets (domain models, processes, rules, etc). A Kie Server exposes Kie Containers through a standard API over transport protocols like REST and JMS.
Controller: a server-backed REST endpoint that will be responsible for managing KIE Server instances. Such end point must provide following capabilities:
respond to connect requests
sync all registered containers on the corresponding Kie Server ID
respond to disconnect requests
Kie Server state: currently known state of given Kie Server instance. This is a local storage (by default in file) that maintains the following information:
list of registered controllers
list of known containers
kie server configuration
The server state is persisted upon receival of events like: Kie Container created, Kie Container is disposed, controller accepts registration of Kie Server instance, etc.
Kie Server ID: an arbitrary assigned identifier to which configurations are assigned. At boot, each Kie Server Instance is assigned an ID, and that ID is matched to a configuration on the controller. The Kie Server Instance fetches and uses that configuration to setup itself.
The KIE Server is distributed as a web application archive (WAR) file. The WAR file comes in three different packagings:
To install the KIE Execution Server and verify it is running, complete the following steps:
Deploy the WAR file into your web container.
Create a user with the role of kie-server
on the container.
Test that you can access the execution engine by navigating to the endpoint in a
browser window: http://SERVER:PORT/CONTEXT/services/rest/server/
When prompted for username/password, type in the username and password that you created in step 2.
Once authenticated, you will see an XML response in the form of engine status, similar to this:
Example 22.1. Sample handshaking server response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="KIE Server info">
The Kie Server accepts a number of bootstrap switches (system properties) to configure the behaviour of the server. The following is a table of all the supported switches.
Table 22.1. Kie Server bootstrap switches
Download and unzip the Tomcat distribution. Let's call the root of the
distribution TOMCAT_HOME
. This directory is named after the Tomcat
version, so for example apache-tomcat-7.0.55
Download kie-server-6.3.0.Final-webc.war and place it
into TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
Configure user(s) and role(s). Make sure that file
contains the following username and
role definition. You can of course choose different username and password, just make
sure that the user has role kie-server
Example 22.2. Username and role definition for Tomcat
<role rolename="kie-server"/>
<user username="serveruser" password="my.s3cr3t.pass" roles="kie-server"/>
Start the server by running TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.[sh|bat]
. You can
check out the Tomcat logs in TOMCAT_HOME/logs
to see if the application
deployed successfully. Please read the table above for the bootstrap switches that can
be used to properly configure the instance. For
./startup.sh -Dorg.kie.server.id=first-kie-server
Verify the server is running. Go to
and type the specified
username and password. You should see simple XML message with basic information about
the server.
Download and unzip the WildFly distribution. Let's call the root of the
distribution WILDFLY_HOME
. This directory is named after the WildFly
version, so for example wildfly-8.2.0.Final
Download kie-server-6.3.0.Final-ee7.war and place it
into WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/deployments
Configure user(s) and role(s). Execute the following command
WILDFLY_HOME/bin/add-user.[sh|bat] -a -u 'kieserver' -p 'kieserver1!' -ro
. You can of course choose different username and password, just
make sure that the user has role kie-server
Start the server by running WILDFLY_HOME/bin/standalone.[sh|bat] -c
standalone-full.xml <bootstrap_switches>
. You can check out the standard
output or WildFly logs in WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/logs
to see if the
application deployed successfully. Please read the table above for the bootstrap
switches that can be used to properly configure the instance. For
./standalone.sh --server-config=standalone-full.xml
Verify the server is running. Go to
and type the specified
username and password. You should see simple XML message with basic information about
the server.
Server setup and registration changed significantly from versions 6.2 and before. The following applies only to version 6.3 and forward.
A managed instance is one that requires a controller to be available to properly startup the Kie Server instance.
A Controller is a component responsible for keeping and managing a Kie Server Configuration in centralized way. Each controller can manager multiple configurations at once and there can be multiple controllers in the environment. Managed KIE Servers can be configured with a list of controllers but will connect to only one at a time.
At startup, if a Kie Server is configured with a list of controllers, it will try succesivelly to connect to each of them until a connection is successfully stablished with one of them. If for any reason a connection can't be stablished, the server will not start, even if there is local storage available with configuration. This happens by design in order to ensure consistency. For instance, if the Kie Server was down and the configuration has changed, this restriction guarantees that it will run with up to date configuration or not at all.
The configuration sets, among other things:
kie containers to be deployed and started
configuration items - currently this is a place holder for further enhancements that will allow remotely configure KIE Execution Server components - timers, persistence, etc
The Controller, besides providing configuration management, is also responsible for overall management of Kie Servers. It provides a REST api that is divided into two parts:
the controller itself that is exposed to interact with KIE Execution Server instances
an administration API that allows to remotely manage Kie Server instances:
add/remove servers
add/remove containers to/from the servers
start/stop containers on servers
The controller deals only with the Kie Server configuration or definition to put it differently. It does not handle any runtime components of KIE Execution Server instances. They are always considered remote to controller. The controller is responsible for persisting the configuration to preserve restarts of the controller itself. It should manage the synchronization as well in case multiple controllers are configured to keep all definitions up to date on all instances of the controller.
By default controller is shipped with Kie Workbench and provides a fully featured management interface (both REST api and UI). It uses underlying git repository as persistent store and thus when GIT repositories are clustered (using Apache Zookeeper and Apache Helix) it will cover the controllers synchronization as well.
The diagram above illustrates the single controller (workbench) setup with multiple Kie Server instances managed by it.
The diagram bellow illustrates the clustered setup where there are multiple instances of controller synchronized over Zookeeper.
In the above diagram we can see that the Kie Server instances are capable of connecting to any controllers, but they will connect to only one. Each instance will attempt to connect to controller as long as it can reach one. Once connection is established with one of the controllers it will skip the others.
There are two approaches that users can take when working with managed KIE Server instances:
Configuration first: with this approach, a user will start working with the controller (either UI or REST api) and create and configure Kie Server definitions. That consists basically of an identification for the server definition (id and name + optionally version for improved readability) and the configuration for the Kie Containers to run on the server.
Registration first: with this approach, the Kie Server instances are started first and auto register themselves on controller. The user then can configure the Kie Containers. This option simply skips the registration step done in the first approach and populates it with server id, name and version directly upon auto registration. There are no other differences between the two approaches.
An unmanaged Kie Server is in turn just a standalone instance, and thus must be configured individually using REST/JMS api from the Kie Server itself. There is no controller involved. The configuration is automatically persisted by the server into a file and that is used as the internal server state, in case of restarts.
The configuration is updated during the following operations:
deploy Kie Container
undeploy Kie Container
start Kie Container
stop Kie Container
In most use cases, the Kie Server should be executed in managed mode as that provides some benefits, like a web user interface (if using the workbench as a controller) and some facilities for clustering.
Once your Execution Server is registered, you can start adding Kie Containers to it.
Kie Containers are self contained environments that have been provisioned to hold instances of your packaged and deployed rule instances.
Start by clicking the + icon next to the Execution Server where you want to deploy your Container. This will bring up the New Container screen.
If you know the Group Name, Artifact Id and Version (GAV) of your deployed package, then you can enter those details and click the Ok button to select that instance (and provide a name for the Container);
If you don't know these values, you can search KIE Workbench for all packages that can be deployed. Click the Search button without entering any value in the search field (you can narrow your search by entering any term that you know exists in the package that you want to deploy).
The figure above shows that there are three deployable packages available to be used as containers on the Execution Server. Select the one that you want by clicking the Select button. This will auto-populate the GAV and you can then click the Ok button to use this deployable as the new Container.
Enter a name for this Container at the top and then press the Ok button.
The Container name must be unique inside each execution server and must not contain any spaces.
Just below the GAV row, you will see an uneditable row that shows you the URL for your Container against which you will be able to execute REST commands.
Containers within the Execution Server can be started, stopped and updated from within KIE Workbench.
Once registered, a Container is in the 'Stopped' mode. It can be started by first selecting it and then clicking the Start button. You can also select multiple Containers and start them all at the same time.
Once the Container is in the 'Running' mode, a green arrow appears next to it. If there are any errors starting the Container(s), red icons appear next to Containers and the Execution Server that they are deployed on.
You should check the logs of both the Execution Server and the current Business Central to see what the errors are before redeploying the Containers (and possibly the Execution Server).
Similar to starting a Container, select the Container(s) that you want to stop (or delete) and click the Stop button (which replaces the Start button for that Container once it has entered the 'Running' mode) or the Delete button.
You can update deployed KieContainers
without restarting the
Execution Server. This is useful in cases where the Business Rules change,
creating new versions of packages to be provisioned.
You can have multiple versions of the same package provisioned and deployed,
each to a different KieContainer
To update deployments in a KieContainer
dynamically, click on the
icon next to the Container. This will open up the Container Info screen. An
example of this screen is shown here:
The Container Info screen is a useful tool because it not only allows you to see
the endpoint for this KieContainer
, but it also allows you to
either manually or automatically refresh the provision if an update is
available. The update can be manual or automatic:
Manual Update: To manually update a
, enter the new Version number in the Version
box and click on the Update button. You can of
course, update the Group Id or the Artifact Id , if these have changed as well.
Once updated, the Execution server updates the container and shows you the
resolved GAV attributes at the bottom of the screen in the Resolved Release Id section.
Automatic Update: If you want a deployed
Container to always have the latest version of your deployment without manually
editing it, you will need to set the Version property to the value of
and start a Scanner
. This will ensure
that the deployed provision always contains the latest version. The Scanner can
be started just once on demand by clicking the Scan Now button or you can start
it in the background with scans happening at a specified interval (in
seconds).You can also set this value to LATEST
when you are first
creating this deployment. The Resolved Release
Id in this case will show you the actual, latest version
The Execution Server supports the following commands via the REST API.
Please note the following before using these commands:
The base URL for these will remain as the endpoint defined earlier
(for example:
All requests require basic HTTP Authentication for the role kie-server as indicated earlier.
Returns the Execution Server information
Example 22.3. Example Server Response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="KIE Server info">
Using POST HTTP method, you can execute various commands on the Execution Server. E.g: create-container, list-containers, dispose-container and call-container.
Following is the full list of commands:
The commands itself can be found in the org.kie.server.api.commands
Returns a list of containers that have been created on this Execution Server.
Example 22.4. Example Server Response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="List of created containers">
<kie-container container-id="MyProjectContainer" status="STARTED">
Returns the status and information about a particular container. For example,
could return the following example container info.
Example 22.5. Example Server Response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Info for container MyProjectContainer">
<kie-container container-id="MyProjectContainer" status="STARTED">
Allows you to create a new Container in the Execution Server. For example, to
create a Container with the id of MyRESTContainer the complete endpoint will be:
An example of request is:
Example 22.6. Example Request to create a container
<kie-container container-id="MyRESTContainer">
And the response from the server, if successful, would be be:
Example 22.7. Example Server Response when creating a container
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Container MyRESTContainer successfully deployed with module com.redhat:Project1:1.0">
<kie-container container-id="MyProjectContainer" status="STARTED">
Disposes the Container specified by the id. For example, executing
using the DELETE HTTP method will return the following server response:
Example 22.8. Example Server Response disposing a container
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Container MyProjectContainer successfully disposed."/>
Executes operations and commands against the specified Container. You can send
commands to this Container in the body of the POST request. For example, to
fire all rules for Container with id MyRESTContainer
you would send the fire-all-rules command to it as shown below (in the body of
the POST request):
Following is the list of supported commands:
These commands can be found in the org.drools.core.command.runtime
Returns the full release id for the Container specified by the id.
Example 22.10. Example Server Response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="ReleaseId for container MyProjectContainer">
Allows you to update the release id of the container deployment. Send the new complete release id to the Server.
Example 22.11. Example Server Request
The Server will respond with a success or error message, similar to the one below:
Example 22.12. Example Server Response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Release id successfully updated.">
Returns information about the scanner for this Container's automatic updates.
Example 22.13. Example Server Response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Scanner info successfully retrieved">
<kie-scanner status="DISPOSED"/>
Allows you to start or stop a scanner that controls polling for updated
Container deployments. To start the scanner, send a request similar to:
with the following POST data.
Example 22.14. Example Server Request to start the scanner
<kie-scanner status="STARTED" poll-interval="20"/>
The poll-interval attribute is in seconds. The response from the server will be similar to:
Example 22.15. Example Server Response
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Kie scanner successfully created.">
<kie-scanner status="STARTED"/>
To stop the Scanner, replace the status with DISPOSED
and remove
the poll-interval attribute.
Commands outlined in this section can be sent with any REST client, whether it is curl, RESTEasy or .NET based application. However, when sending requests from Java based application, users can utilize out of the box native client for remote communication with Execution Server. This client is part of the org.kie:kie-server-client project. It doesn't allow creating XML request, therefore it is necessary generate them before, for example, using Drools API.
Example 22.16. Generate XML request
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.drools.core.command.impl.GenericCommand;
import org.drools.core.command.runtime.BatchExecutionCommandImpl;
import org.drools.core.command.runtime.rule.FireAllRulesCommand;
import org.drools.core.command.runtime.rule.InsertObjectCommand;
import org.kie.api.command.BatchExecutionCommand;
import org.kie.internal.runtime.helper.BatchExecutionHelper;
public class DecisionClient {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Bean1 bean1 = new Bean1();
InsertObjectCommand insertObjectCommand = new InsertObjectCommand(bean1, "f1");
FireAllRulesCommand fireAllRulesCommand = new FireAllRulesCommand("myFireCommand");
List<GenericCommand<?>> commands = new ArrayList<GenericCommand<?>>();
BatchExecutionCommand command = new BatchExecutionCommandImpl(commands);
String xStreamXml = BatchExecutionHelper.newXStreamMarshaller().toXML(command); // actual XML request
Once the request is generated it can be sent using kie-server-client as follows:
Example 22.17. Sending XML request with kie-server-client
import org.kie.server.api.model.ServiceResponse;
import org.kie.server.client.KieServicesClient;
import org.kie.server.client.KieServicesConfiguration;
import org.kie.server.client.KieServicesFactory;
//user "anton" must have role "kie-server" assigned
KieServicesConfiguration config = KieServicesFactory.
KieServicesClient client = KieServicesFactory.newKieServicesClient(config);
// the request "xStreamXml" we generated in previous step
// "ListenerReproducer" is the name of the Container
ServiceResponse<String> response = client.executeCommands("ListenerReproducer", xStreamXml);