KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

Interface ProcessContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProcessContext
extends KieContext

Represents the context when executing a process.

Method Summary
 NodeInstance getNodeInstance()
          Returns the node instance that is currently being executed in this context, or null if no node instance is currently being executed.
 ProcessInstance getProcessInstance()
          Returns the process instance that is currently being executed in this context.
 Object getVariable(String variableName)
          Returns the value of the variable with the given name.
 void setVariable(String variableName, Object value)
          Sets the value of the variable with the given name.
Methods inherited from interface org.kie.api.runtime.KieContext
getKieRuntime, getKnowledgeRuntime

Method Detail


ProcessInstance getProcessInstance()
Returns the process instance that is currently being executed in this context.

the process instance that is currently being executed in this context


NodeInstance getNodeInstance()
Returns the node instance that is currently being executed in this context, or null if no node instance is currently being executed.

the node instance that is currently being executed in this context


Object getVariable(String variableName)
Returns the value of the variable with the given name. Based on the current node instance, it will try to resolve the given variable, taking nested variable scopes into account. Returns null if the variable could not be found.

variableName - the name of the variable
the value of the variable


void setVariable(String variableName,
                 Object value)
Sets the value of the variable with the given name. Based on the current node instance, it will try to resolve the given variable, taking nested variable scopes into account. If the variable cannot be resolved, it will set the value as a process-level variable. It is however recommended to only use this with caution, as it is always recommended to define the variables that are used inside a process.

variableName - the name of the variable
value - the value of the variable

KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

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