KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

Package org.kie.api.runtime.process

The process runtime classes.


Interface Summary
EventListener An interface that represents an element that is listening for specific types of events.
NodeInstance A node instance represents the execution of one specific node in a process instance.
NodeInstanceContainer A node instance container is a container that can contain (zero or more) node instances.
ProcessContext Represents the context when executing a process.
ProcessInstance A process instance represents one specific instance of a process that is currently executing.
ProcessRuntime The ProcessRuntime is a super-interface for all StatefulKnowledgeSessions.
StatefulProcessSession There are currently no process related methods that are used with the external StatefulKnowledgeSession class.
StatelessProcessSession There are currently no process related methods that are used with the external StatelessKnowledgeSession class.
WorkflowProcessInstance A workflow process instance represents one specific instance of a workflow process that is currently executing.
WorkItem Represents one unit of work that needs to be executed.
WorkItemHandler A work item handler is responsible for executing work items of a specific type.
WorkItemManager A work item manager is responsible for finding the right work item handler when a work item should be executed and should be notified when this work item has been completed (or aborted).

Package org.kie.api.runtime.process Description

The process runtime classes.

KIE API 6.0.0.Beta3

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