KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

Interface KieScanner

public interface KieScanner

A KieScanner is a scanner of the maven repositories (both local and remote) used to automatically discover if there are new releases for a given KieModule and its dependencies and eventually deploy them in the KieRepository

Method Summary
 void scanNow()
          Triggers a synchronous scan
 void start(long pollingInterval)
          Starts this KieScanner polling the maven repositories with the given interval expressed in milliseconds
 void stop()
          Stops this KieScanner

Method Detail


void start(long pollingInterval)
Starts this KieScanner polling the maven repositories with the given interval expressed in milliseconds

An - IllegalStateException if this KieScanner has been already started


void stop()
Stops this KieScanner


void scanNow()
Triggers a synchronous scan

KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

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