KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

Interface Message

public interface Message

A Message generated by the building process of a KieModule

Nested Class Summary
static class Message.Level
Method Summary
 int getColumn()
          Returns the column number in the resource of the issue that caused the creation of this Message
 long getId()
          Returns the unique identifier of this message
 Message.Level getLevel()
          Returns the message level
 int getLine()
          Returns the line number in the resource of the issue that caused the creation of this Message
 String getPath()
          Returns the path of the resource that caused the creation of this Message
 String getText()
          Return the text of this Message

Method Detail


long getId()
Returns the unique identifier of this message


Message.Level getLevel()
Returns the message level


String getPath()
Returns the path of the resource that caused the creation of this Message


int getLine()
Returns the line number in the resource of the issue that caused the creation of this Message


int getColumn()
Returns the column number in the resource of the issue that caused the creation of this Message


String getText()
Return the text of this Message

KIE API 6.0.0.CR3

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