OptaPlanner core 6.1.0.Final

Class MoveListFactoryToMoveSelectorBridge

  extended by org.optaplanner.core.impl.heuristic.selector.AbstractSelector
      extended by org.optaplanner.core.impl.heuristic.selector.move.AbstractMoveSelector
          extended by org.optaplanner.core.impl.heuristic.selector.move.factory.MoveListFactoryToMoveSelectorBridge
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<Move>, EventListener, SelectionCacheLifecycleListener, IterableSelector<Move>, MoveSelector, Selector, PhaseLifecycleListener, SolverLifecycleListener

public class MoveListFactoryToMoveSelectorBridge
extends AbstractMoveSelector
implements SelectionCacheLifecycleListener

Bridges a MoveListFactory to a MoveSelector.

Field Summary
protected  List<Move> cachedMoveList
protected  SelectionCacheType cacheType
protected  MoveListFactory moveListFactory
protected  boolean randomSelection
Fields inherited from class org.optaplanner.core.impl.heuristic.selector.AbstractSelector
logger, phaseLifecycleSupport, workingRandom
Constructor Summary
MoveListFactoryToMoveSelectorBridge(MoveListFactory moveListFactory, SelectionCacheType cacheType, boolean randomSelection)
Method Summary
 void constructCache(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
 void disposeCache(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
 SelectionCacheType getCacheType()
          Unless this selector itself caches, this returns SelectionCacheType.JUST_IN_TIME, even if a selector child caches.
 long getSize()
          A random JIT Selector with Selector.isNeverEnding() true should return a size as if it would be able to return each distinct element only once, because the size can be used in SelectionProbabilityWeightFactory.
 boolean isCountable()
          If false, then Selector.isNeverEnding() is true.
 boolean isNeverEnding()
          Is true if Selector.isCountable() is false or if this selector is in random order (for most cases).
 Iterator<Move> iterator()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.optaplanner.core.impl.heuristic.selector.AbstractSelector
phaseEnded, phaseStarted, solvingEnded, solvingStarted, stepEnded, stepStarted
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.optaplanner.core.impl.phase.event.PhaseLifecycleListener
phaseEnded, phaseStarted, stepEnded, stepStarted
Methods inherited from interface org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.event.SolverLifecycleListener
solvingEnded, solvingStarted

Field Detail


protected final MoveListFactory moveListFactory


protected final SelectionCacheType cacheType


protected final boolean randomSelection


protected List<Move> cachedMoveList
Constructor Detail


public MoveListFactoryToMoveSelectorBridge(MoveListFactory moveListFactory,
                                           SelectionCacheType cacheType,
                                           boolean randomSelection)
Method Detail


public SelectionCacheType getCacheType()
Description copied from interface: Selector
Unless this selector itself caches, this returns SelectionCacheType.JUST_IN_TIME, even if a selector child caches.

Specified by:
getCacheType in interface Selector
getCacheType in class AbstractSelector
never null


public void constructCache(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
Specified by:
constructCache in interface SelectionCacheLifecycleListener


public void disposeCache(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
Specified by:
disposeCache in interface SelectionCacheLifecycleListener


public boolean isCountable()
Description copied from interface: Selector
If false, then Selector.isNeverEnding() is true.

Specified by:
isCountable in interface Selector
true if all the ValueRanges are countable (for example a double value range between 1.2 and 1.4 is not countable)


public boolean isNeverEnding()
Description copied from interface: Selector
Is true if Selector.isCountable() is false or if this selector is in random order (for most cases). Is never true when this selector is in shuffled order (which is less scalable but more exact).

Specified by:
isNeverEnding in interface Selector
true if the Iterator.hasNext() of the Iterator created by Iterable.iterator() never returns false (except when it's empty).


public long getSize()
Description copied from interface: IterableSelector
A random JIT Selector with Selector.isNeverEnding() true should return a size as if it would be able to return each distinct element only once, because the size can be used in SelectionProbabilityWeightFactory.

Specified by:
getSize in interface IterableSelector<Move>
the approximate number of elements generated by this Selector, always >= 0


public Iterator<Move> iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<Move>


public String toString()
toString in class Object

OptaPlanner core 6.1.0.Final

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